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Getting started

IOTConnect is an extensible framework written in Python that allows you to monitor anything and publishes the monitored conditions to different publishers.

Both Monitors and Publishers can be extended to fit your needs by implementing Monitor and Publisher classes respectively.

Suggested hardware

We will need a few things to get started with installing IOTConnect. Raspberry Pi Zero W can be a good and cheap staring point.

  • Raspberry PI Zero W + Power supply.
  • MicroSD card. Ideally get one that is Application Class 2 as they handle small I/O much more consistently than cards not optimized to host applications. The size depends on the usage you may want to give to IOTConnect.
  • SD Card reader. This is already part of most laptops, but you can purchase a standalone USB adapter if you don’t have one. The brand doesn’t matter, just pick the cheapest.



You can follow the turorial for step by step installation from scratch.

Clone the Github repo:

sudo git clone /opt/IOTConnect

Make pi user the owner of /opt/IOTConnect folder:

sudo chown -R pi /opt/IOTConnect

Install dependencies:

cd /opt/IOTConnect
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run as a service

To run the IOTConnect as a service:

sudo systemctl link /opt/IOTConnect/iotconnect.service
sudo systemctl enable iotconnect.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload


Configuration is located under the iotconnect folder and it's a json file that must be named iotconnect.config.json.

It consist in an array of publishers and an array of monitors. Monitored conditions from monitors are published to ALL configured publishers.

Every publisher in the array MUST have at least a class property specifying a valid class name.

Every monitor in the array MUST have at least a class property specifying a valid class name and an interval property specifying the frequency (in seconds) that the monitor will be executed.

The service MUST have at least one publisher and on monitor to work.

Very simple dummy config file:

            "class": "iotconnect.publishers.noop.NoopPublisher"
            "class": "iotconnect.monitors.noop.NoopMonitor",
            "interval": 10